Venus O'Hara

Monday, February 28, 2022

LELO Sila Cruise – Review – Sonic Clitoral Stimulator

LELO Sila Cruise – Review – Sonic Clitoral Stimulator: It occurred to me that I wasn’t making the most of my orgasmic location as far as my content was concerned. I live in the centre of Barcelona, and I see so much beauty every day. I haven’t been on public transport since 2020 and I walk everywhere. I realised that I needed to share more than the white walls of my lounge where I record most of my videos. After all, my white walls could be anywhere in the world.    To celebrate this realisation, I decided to take Sila Cruise from LELO with me on a walk around some of my favourite hangouts in Barcelona. It was a beautiful day and after starting off with an orgasm on my unmade bed, I went around my favourite park; Parque de la Ciudadela. As I held Sila Cruise up in one hand, trying to make a video with my other hand, I must confess that I did get some strange looks from the passers-by. One girl gave me a ‘knowing look’, I’m pretty sure that it meant ‘I know what that is…’.